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Weekly Medical Camp in Rural Areas

Why Weekly Medical Camp

Generally Health care professionals conducts Medical camps to carry out a limited health mediation amongst the underprivileged people. The poor attend these camps to get free check-up and treatment. Getting the appropriate kind of health check-up is very important for everyone. And during this process they take account on some important details like age, lifestyle, family background and risks.

Health examinations and tests at the early stages of the illness can help to cure it faster. And can also save a life before it can cause any damage to the person. One can live longer and healthier only when the individual gets the right kind of health check-up, screening, and treatments in the proper time being. Even the most basic check-up can identify underlying illnesses.

Free medical camps provides the poor population with overall physical examinations. These include eyes and health check-ups, assessment of the functioning of vital organs like the heart, lungs etc. Free medical camps are extremely helpful for the poor population. Because they earn a meagre income and cannot afford expensive healthcare services offered by hospitals or clinics.

What we do

The main objective of the free medical camp is to provide initial free medical and surgical services to poor communities living in rural or urban areas and to act as an emergency team in disasters, registering rare and serious cases and referring them to specialized centres. To create health awareness among the community and teach them to deal with communicable and non-communicable, refer medical cases towards surgeries if required.

ODH Foundation through fully equipped mobile healthcare vans staffed with specialized doctors and paramedics are there to execute the camp, reaches out to hard-to-reach areas and provides OPD services, point-of-care testing facilities and medicines.

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