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Disaster Management

Why Disaster Management

Disaster management is a process of preparing for and responding effectively to disasters. It involves strategically organizing resources to reduce losses from disasters. It also includes a systematic approach to managing the responsibilities of disaster prevention, preparedness, response and recovery.

Whether it is natural or man-made disaster affects everyone. With its topography and unique geographical location, India is highly susceptible to natural disasters. Floods, cyclones and earthquakes have a devastating impact on people, community infrastructure and the local economy. It affects the surrounding flora and fauna along with the population of that area. The main objective of disaster management is to provide relief to the people or animals who have suffered due to the disaster. ODH Foundation has a response-ready and experienced team that actively works to provide disaster management solutions to move people and property away from danger and enhance community resilience, by enabling quick and efficient rescue, relief and rehabilitation at the disaster site.

What we do

ODH Foundation's disaster management programme aims to reduce mortality, number of affected people, economic losses and damages to critical infrastructure, use multi-hazard early warning systems, address the ecological, economic and social vulnerabilities that arise before, during and after a disaster and the lack of information on preparedness and planning, Saving lives of the human population as well as the surrounding flora and fauna, Protection of natural resources, Promoting the prevention of diseases, Strengthens the security within all operations so as to prevent any future damage, mechanisms to save lives and livelihoods, and post-disaster measures have to fulfill.

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