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Why Livelihood

According to World Bank data, the global poverty rate has fallen steadily over the last 25 years. However, India is still grappling with the critical challenge of rural poverty that impacts millions of Indians. Over two-thirds of India’s population still lives in rural and semi-rural areas, where there is a daily struggle to earn enough from farm-related activities to feed the household. Families in rural areas find it tough to break out of the cycle of poverty, primarily because a majority of Indian agriculture-based incomes continue to be dependent on the monsoons. Additionally, poor soil conditions, minimal use of modern farming methods, lack of systematic irrigation facilities, absence of post-harvest facilities and sustainable market linkages combine to put farm-based income generation capabilities in jeopardy.

Youth comprise one-third of the Indian population which in turn constitutes a major part of the country's labor force. A country like India which has a huge young population can reap better benefits from the demographic dividend if its youth are better skilled and employable. It is important to channelize the energy of the underprivileged youth in the right direction to help in the country's economic development and nation building.

What we do

ODH Foundation aim to create robust livelihood opportunities to enable households to earn more, and lead healthier lives. The Foundation builds social capital by promoting self-help groups, supporting initiatives towards preservation of traditional art and organizing skill development training. Specific programmes are designed for fishermen communities, farmers and cattle owners, youth and women. ODH Foundation through its Livelihood programme connects the unemployed youth from disadvantaged groups and communities with the sectors which have large growth potential in terms of revenue generation and employability. The staggering youth population underutilised in the job market because of a lack of requisite qualifications and training are upskilled, uplifted, and mainstreamed to become a part of the country’s growth story.

ODH Foundation, recognizing the need of the hour has launched its employability training initiative “Ab Baari Hai Hamari” to fight the challenges posed by poverty and unemployment. Our campaign “Ab Baari Hai Hamari” aims at training & up-skilling the youth between the age of 18-35 years for employment and empowering them with a secure livelihood

Donate now to bring a positive change in the lives of poor and underprivileged youth through skill training, employment and a dignified livelihood.

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